Friday, May 25, 2007

72 Letter Name of God

72 Fold Name of God
& Angels of the Quinaries

(I) L A Q R B Z H A L Z H K L H L I L H
I V M I H L O V D I T A H Sh M T I V

18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

M K L I V L A R Sh I H N Ch M I N P L
(H) N V H Ch Sh K V I A R A Th H L I L H V
D Q Ch V R B M I H Th A H V A I K L V

36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19

N N O H D V M O O S I V M H I R Ch A
(V) I N M Ch N H I Sh R A L V I H I H O N
Th A M Sh I V H L I L H L K H Z O M I

54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37

M H I R Ch A M D M O I V M H I N P M
(H) V I B A B I N M Ch N H M Tz R I M V P
M I M H V O Q B I V H B R Ch L M I H

72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55

Pronounciation (Mathers style)

(Asiah) (Yetzirah) (Briah) (Aztiloth)

55 Mabeh 37 Ani 19 Levo 1 Vehu
56 Poi 38 Chaum 20 Pah 2 Yeli
57 Nemem 39 Rehau 21 Nelak 3 Sit
58 Yeil 40 Yeiz 22 Yiai 4 Aulem
59 Harach 41 Hahah 23 Melah 5 Mahash
60 Metzer 42 Mik 24 Chaho 6 Lelah
61 Vamet 43 Veval 25 Nethah 7 Aka
62 Yehah 44 Yelah 26 Haa 8 Kahath
63 Aunu 45 Sael 27 Yereth 9 Hezi
64 Mechi 46 Auri 28 Shaah 10 Elad
65 Dameb 47 Aushal 29 Riyi 11 Lav
66 Menaq 48 Miah 30 Aum 12 Hahau
67 Aiau 49 Vaho 31 Lekab 13 Yezel
68 Chebo 50 Doni 32 Vesher 14 Mebah
69 Raah 51 Hachash 33 Yecho 15 Heri
70 Yebem 52 Aumem 34 Lehach 16 Haqem
71 Haiai 53 Nena 35 Keveq 17 Lau
72 Moum 54 Neith 36 Menad 18 Keli

OK, So now by adding AL or IH (Masc, Severity, Justice aspect of God),
EL or AH (Fem, Mercy, aspect), we get the names of the Angels of
the decans of the Zodiac. There are 2 for each 10 degrees. If you have
noticed none of the God names contain Gimel (G),(3), this is because of the
grouping in 3's. These angels also rule the 36 minor arcana of Tarot.

72 Angels

Say Means Decave Ruler Minor Arcana

1 Vehuah Exalter 1 Leo Saturn 5 of Wands
2 Yeliel Strength

3 Sitel Refuge,Confidence 2 Leo Jupiter 6 of Wands
4 Aulemah Concealed, Strong

5 Mahashah Seeks saftey 3 Leo Mars 7 of Wands
6 Lelahel Praiseworthy

7 Akaah Long suffering 1 Virgo Sun 8 of Pentacles
8 Kahathel Adorable

9 Heziel Merciful 2 Virgo Venus 9 of Pentacles
10 Eladah Profitable

11 Lavah To be exalted 3 Virgo Mercury 10 of Pentacles
12 Hahauyah Refuge

13 Yezelel Rejoicing 1 Libra Moon 2 of Swords
14 Mebahel Guardian

15 Heriel Aid 2 Libra Saturn 3 of Swords
16 Haqemah Raise up, praying
night & day

17 Lauah Wonderful 3 Libra Jupiter 4 of Swords
18 Kelial Worthy to be

19 Levoyah Hastening to hear 1 Scorp. Mars 5 of Cups
20 Pahyah Redeemer, liberator

21 Nelakel Thou alone 2 Scorp. Sun 6 of Cups
22 Yiaiel Thy right hand

23 Melahel Turning away evil 3 Scorp. Venus 7 of Cups
24 Chahoah Goodness in himself

25 Nethah Wide, wonderful, 1 Sag. Mercury 8 of Wands
the enlarger
26 Haaih Heaven in secret

27 Yerethel Deliverer 2 Sag. Moon 9 of Wands
28 Shaahih Taker away of evils

29 Riyiel Expectation 3 Sag. Saturn 10 of Wands
30 Aumel Patient

31 Lekabel Teacher 1 Cap. Jupiter 2 of Pentacles
32 Vesherah Upright

33 Yechoah Knower of all 2 Cap. Mars 3 of Pentacles
34 Lehachah Merciful, clement

35 Keveqah To be rejoiced in 3 Cap. Sun 4 of Pentacles
36 Menadal Honourable

37 Aniel Lord of virtues 1 Aqu. Venus 5 of Swords
38 Chaumah The hope of all
the ends of the earth

39 Rehauel Swift to condone 2 Aqu. Mercury 6 of Swords
40 Yeizel Making joyful

41 Hahahel Triune 3 Aqu. Moon 7 of Swords
42 Mikel Who is like unto him

43 Vevalah King and ruler 1 Pisces Saturn 8 of Cups
44 Yelahah Abiding forever

45 Saelah Mover of all 2 Pisces Jupiter 9 of Cups
46 Auriel Revealer

47 Aushalah Just judge 3 Pisces Mars 10 of Cups
48 Miahal Sending forth as a Father

49 Vahoel Great and lofty 1 Aries Mars 2 of Wands
50 Doniel Merciful judge

51 Hachashyah Secret,Impenetrable 2 Aries Sun 3 of Wands
52 Aumemah Covered in darkness

53 Nenael Caster down of 3 Aries Venus 4 of Wands
the proud
54 Neithel Celestial king

55 Mabehah Eternal 1 Taurus Mercury 5 of Pentacles
56 Poiel Supporting all things

57 Nememah Lovable 2 Taurus Moon 6 of Pentacles
58 Yeilel Hearer of cries

59 Harachel Permeating all 3 Taurus Saturn 7 of Pentacles
60 Metzeral Raising up the oppressed

61 Vametel The name which is 1 Gemini Jupiter 8 of Swords
over all
62 Yehahel The supreme end or essence

63 Aunual Rejoicing 2 Gemini Mars 9 of Swords
64 Mechiel Vivifying

65 Damebyah Fountain of wisdom 3 Gemini Sun 10 of Swords
66 Menaqel Nourishing all

67 Aiauel Delights of the 1 Cancer Venus 2 of Cups
sons of men
68 Cheboyah Most liberal giver

69 Raahel Beholding all 2 Cancer Mercury 3 of Cups
70 Yebemyah Producing by his word

71 Haiaiel Lord of the 3 Cancer Moon 4 of Cups
72 Moumyah End of the universe

It was either Solomon or Moses, that wrote this down.... I am not sure
which. The names are arrived at by writing (in Hebrew) the 19th, 20th
and 21st verses of Exodus 14, right to left, left to right, and right to
left again, (Masoretic style) in 3 lines. Each line contains 72 characters,
relating to 72 rungs of Jacobs ladder,the 78th Psalm has 72 verses,
refering to the divided name. There are many other references to 72, and
divisions therof, in the old books.

Gematria is foolishness to some, understood by few, I think it is a way
to express ideas in a universally understood medium.
At any rate I compiled this info. from The Kabbalah Unvieled by Mathers,
Intro to Golden Dawn Tarot by Wang, and The Complete GD System by Regardie.

AHBH, Soror N.
Modem (619)447-5010


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